James' TV and Audio Repair
Thirty years of experience ready to serve you!
Specializing in the repair of Vintage Audio Equipment
All brands serviced out of warranty
Cracked, broken or bad TV screens cannot be repaired.
If you have roaches or any other vermi in your home, PLEASE DON'T BRING YOUR UNIT TO MY SHOP. It might be disposed of. I will not risk my other customers units or households. THANK YOU.
28290 Lewes Georgetown Highway Unit #7
Milton, DE 19968
Please call (302) 344-6413 for James' TV and Audio Repair.
The shop will be closing Tuesday November 26 1:00 pm and reopening Monday December 2 9:30 am for the Thanksgiving holiday. Enjoy your family and friends.
If you decide to bring a unit in for service, it is highly recommended that you have an available voicemail. Voicemails that have not been set up or full seriously hamper the repair process. If you can't be reached for 30 days your unit will be up for disposal or sale. I need to be able to reach you.
Always remember to call before coming to the shop. Shop hours vary by road schedule. (302) 344-6413
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It has come to my attention that several of my customers have had difficulty with GPS units sending them past my location. I have uploaded a picture of the entrance to the business park where this shop is located. (Pictured below).

Mon-Sat business is conducted from the Milton, Delaware office. 28290 Lewes Georgetown Highway (RT9) Approximately 5 miles west of the RT1/RT9 intersection.
Single entrance of Cool Spring Office Park.
The ONLY business center between Fisher Road and Cool Springs Road on Lewes Georgetown Highway.
Some GPS units locate beyond this location, east of Coolsprings Rd. If possible use Google Maps.
**NEW** Forced Air Heater Repair
Get your shop ready for winter and get that propane or diesel heater repaired.
Since electronic repair includes many variables, it is impossible for me to know for sure what it's going to take or cost to fix your unit prior to troubleshooting. Therefore I cannot and will not give any estimates or estimates of estimates prior to being given the opportunity to ascertain what the cause of the problem is or could be.
Please understand, there is a Diagnostic Fee which is deducted from/included in the final repair cost. Parts prices of the various manufacturers vary and the probability of repairing your unit to component level as opposed to board level can greatly lower your repair cost. None of these factors can be determined unless the unit undergoes a full and complete troubleshooting process. This process requires a non-refundable Diagnostic Fee (paid at drop-off), which is determined by the size and type of unit in need of repair and is deducted from the final repair cost as part of the repair labor. If a major part needs to be ordered, a part payment may be required.
Diagnostic fees vary but are based as follows:
All Plasma
70 - 80"
OLED all
Audio Products
and CD/DVD
I do work on Bose equipment
starting at $40
Electronic or not, I will repair most ANYTHING, so call me and let's get it started! I am not logistically set up to repair Phones, Tablets or Computers.
TV repairs can be accomplished for less than new replacement cost of the same or comparable unit so don't let the prospect of a "super high" bill scare you. The only thing that will render any unit unrepairable is a broken or defectve screen. A bad backlight can be repaired 95% of the time.
**NEW** Forced Air Heater Repair
It's a proven fact, and has many consumers at arms, that TV's of the "new era" don't last as long as their older counterparts. Quite frankly, that's the only reason the new retail industry is pushing TV's as disposable. They want you to buy a new TV as often as possible. This brainwashing relinquishes them of the responsibility of reliability and longevity of their product. This creates a very unfortunate circumstance for you, the consumer. This service is available to help you save some of your hard earned cash.
Deposits at drop-off cover diagnostics/minor parts and are applied to the final repair cost. This fee is non-refundable.
Depending on the price of a part or parts, it may be necessary for the customer to pay for parts in advance. ***In the case of special order parts, this is a non-refundable expense to me which makes this a non-refundable charge. Every effort is made to determine that the ordered parts will fix the unit.
I also repair Current and Vintage Audio equipment. Antique (pre 1970) equipment will be evaluated on an individual basis. Tube amplifiers are limited to part availability. Musical Instrument Amplifiers, Mixers and Audio Processing equipment are also repaired.
If anyone finds the need to ship any unit to me, be sure to call me beforehand, give me shipping and tracking numbers, include the Diagnostic fee in the form of a check, or call me with a Credit Card number or PayPal.
Insure your package and ship your unit to:
James' TV and Audio Repair
28290 Lewes Georgetown Highway Unit #7
Milton, DE 19968
As always, cellphone coverage dictates phone accessibility so if you call and there is no answer, PLEASE leave a message and you will get a callback as soon as possible, or send an email through the contact us link.
Also, I've recently found that my phone number has been used by some unscupulous companies and is being blocked by some phones as SPAM. If you have a blocker please add my number as an exception or you will not receive my call. Also add my number to your contacts so that my company name comes up on your caller ID and not SUSPECTED OR REPORTED SPAM. Thanks.
**NEW** Forced Air Heater Repair
Shop hours are generally:
Please always call first before coming to the shop. Shop availability varies by service call schedule and personal commitments.
Please call, as service calls and appointments will affect availability at the shop.
The contact us link will send your request for information directly to my by email. You will get an answer soon after by email or phone. Thanks.
Here to provide all of your out of warranty repair needs!!

Providing Quality TV Repair and Audio Repair service to Lower Delaware, and the Maryland Eastern Shore

I have added more services: Remote Key Repairs and Speaker Repair!
Whether you are experiencing picture and no sound, sound no picture, dead set or any other of the many issues that could be affecting your unit, James' TV and Audio Repair is focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction in consumer electronic repair - I will do everything I can to meet or exceed your expectations and I back it up with a conditional 3 MONTH in-house warranty.

The big game is in two weeks and "POP", NO PICTURE and the SOUND is the great. "Who can fix my TV"? Please, don't wait til the last minute!

Delmarva has another option for TV repair and Audio repair. Thirty years of experience in TV repair, Home and Car Audio repair, Home Theater repair and set-up and DJ Equipment repair. We also provide some Play Station repair and X Box repair.
Here's a sampling of James' TV and Audio Repair offers.
All brands LED and LCD TV repair, Plasma repair, Audio Repair, Computer repair, Radio Repair, Remote Control setup and verification, TV/VCR repair, TV/DVD repair, VCR repair, DVD player repair, CD player repair, Amplifier Repair, Car Audio repair, Microwave Oven repair, DJ Equipment repair.
Sampling of brands serviced are Philips, Samsung, Sanyo, Vizio, Funai, Pioneer, Kenwood and RCA to name a few.
Every American home has some type of small kitchen appliance. Well James' TV and Audio Repair feels that no job is too small. I will repair broken lamp you like, or even fix that broken battery connection in your car's remote.
TV Repair! Audio Repair! Small Kitchen Appliances! Video Game Consoles! Call for your LCD TV repair today.
Hey!!! Don't forget Audio repair too!!! I am highly experienced in the repair of Home and Commercial audio. Audio brands available for service listed below are just a few.

All TV and Audio brands serviced are out of manufacturer warranty service only at this time.
Services are available to all areas 5 days of the week!
Give me a call and let's talk about it: (302) 344-6413 All calls accepted until 7 pm. Sunday is my day of rest.

We accept Cash (of course), Check, or Credit/Debit Card.

There are just too many electronic products to list that repair services are available for, so feel free to contact us with your needs.

With a variety of services to choose from, we're sure you'll be happy working with us. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us. (302) 344-6413
We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!
Please Share this site with your friends and family. A needed service in the DELMARVA area!